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Seraphyna: The Psychological Polywere
Monday, 2025-02-10, 4:25 PM
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Main » 2012 » September » 13 » Update
9:55 PM
It has come to my attention that apparently my beliefs are not entirely clear (and I haven't updated my personal identification here) so let's get to it.
I have officially taken the term 'polywere' as my title instead of polymorph. This is seemingly splitting hairs to some so they'll ask why and what does it matter. Well, a polymorph is commonly believed to be a spiritual being who is unlimited in forms it may take. As my 'other' types are all physical and I am limited to animals when I shift, polywere is much more fitting. While not all of my forms that are *me* are earthly animals, they're all non-magical, feral, animals. I suppose this brings me to 'what is *me*':
African/mountain lioness
Black tip reef shark/mershark shifter (a black tip that goes from true shark to loosely humanoid mershark)
Feline dragon (like a lioness-Western dragon cross)
Now some clarification on why I believe I have a non human identity and on 'fitting in' with anyone and any animal. I believe that it is psychological and/or neurological. Period. I believe that it is a result of my brain's adaptation(s) to traumas from my childhood starting at birth with a possible link to my brain's chemistry. When I'm around other people I tend to subconsciously take on their mannerisms and accent...nothing else. Not their likes and dislikes, not their emotions, not their problems. I am apathetic towards them if I don't know them...yet I still take on any outward things that would allow me to better fit in. Or should I say my brain does. The way I blend in is like a human chameleon...not like some sort of super empath. The same sort of thing happens with animals...I shift to whatever animal(s) I'm around (aside from the above things that are *me* at my core). It's not a trait thing, or a 'oo this animal is cool' thing...it's a fitting in thing...it helps me blend.
Finally, when you ask me who I am I cannot answer because I am something of a blank slate. I'm not depressed...regular exercise naturally balanced my brain chemistry years ago. I'm just tabula rasa, my brain waiting to see who or what I need to be to blend. Sometimes physical things are just physical and psychological things are just brain related. Not everything is spiritual...though the human brain is a funny enough place where it will find ways to back up any belief, even in the face of contrary evidence...think about that one all of you hyper-spiritual people who insist that everything must be spiritual at its core.
Sometimes it's just....not. Period.
Views: 844 | Added by: Seraphyna | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 Ari  
Hi, I've found this blog because I've been trying to find out more about otherkin, polymorphs, and balancers specifically. You're one of the few people online who I've found that seems to have any similar experiences/ideas on this subject. I'm more inclined to spirituality and I'd be curious to what has shaped your views. Please let me know if you'd be interested in chatting about this stuff. I realize this blog is approaching a year without an update but I guess this is just a shot in the dark. Thanks smile

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